Our Team
Tana Thiessen, External Social Director & Senior Stick
Well hello there Agros, my name is Tana Thiessen and I grew up on a cow/calf operation near the metropolis of Hepburn, SK. I am currently in my fourth and final year of my AgBizz degree and this is my 3rd consecutive year on the ASA executive. This year I am your External Social Director (AG NIGHTS BB), as well as your Senior Stick for the 2021/2022 school year! My main job of External Social Director, like previously mentioned, is our weekly get silly nights on Thursdays at the Longbranch. As well as, the legendary Bud Light Luau, Agros Inspark (first year welcome event), Winter Formal, the-morning-after-Drag Pubcrawl and our excursion over to U of A for Bar None! So stay tuned for the weekly event pages that will provide you with all the info needed in regards to themes of each Ag Night. My one piece of advice to have the best possible time in the best college, is put yourself out there. Go to every event you can, come hang out in the lounge and meet all of the other awesome students that are apart of this awesome Agro family! If you see me, don’t hesitate to come say hi or message me on Facebook or Insta (@tanathiessen). I can’t wait to meet you all!
Now, let’s get silly, but stay safe. See you Thursday night.
Tana Thiessen